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Your Partner in Parenting


At a time when many children and grandparents have been separated, it has made people realize how important grandparents are in their children’s lives and not just for the free childcare.

7 reasons why grandparents and grandchildren are so important to each other

Contributed PostIf there is one thing that this pandemic has taught us all it’s that we value our grandparents more than ever before! Even as adults, we need to see our grandparents and help them as much as we can. However, the one relationship that we take for granted is the relationship between grandchildren and […]

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Beyond monetary assistance, one-in-three empty nester says they talk to their adult kids daily, and many are receptive to the idea that their adult children could return home.

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If you want to know more about what you can do to help your mom or dad live comfortably in their own home for as long as possible in their old age, then read on…

Elderly on successful black parenting magazine

by Janice Celeste Every summer we’d take a road trip in my parents’ Chevy Impala from Philadelphia to visit my dad’s family in Pensacola, Florida. In the car was my mom (who didn’t drive), my dad, my little brother, and then there was me. From age 16 on, I’d help my dad with the driving. What […]

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Combine African American history and the nostalgia of the Black family on Father’s Day by reading Papa Lemon’s books.

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