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7 Great Activities For Grandparents & Their Grandchildren To Do

June 7, 2020

June 7, 2020

Contributed Post

If there is one thing that this pandemic has taught us all it’s that we value our grandparents more than ever before! Even as adults, we need to see our grandparents and help them as much as we can. However, the one relationship that we take for granted is the relationship between grandchildren and grandparents. The forced separation of a pandemic has been hard, however, it’s the perfect time to come up with a list of things that your children and their grandparents can do when the lockdown is lifted.

Relationships are important, and with the seven activities below, you can ensure that your children and their grandparents are closer than ever.

7 great activities for grandparents & their grandchildren to do
  • Go On A Nature Walk. There is one common thread between children and the elderly, and that’s the fact that they thrive in the fresh air. Your children and their grandparents can take a walk through nature, talking about the sights and sounds before them, with grandparents telling interesting stories and children collecting flowers to press later.
  • Learning To Fish. Grandparents often have a keen interest in fishing. With the right beginners trout fishing kit, your grandparent can teach your child how to fish. The chance to be relax, to talk, to connect are important to do with the elderly? It’s all there by the side of a babbling river.
  • Making Cakes. Baking and grandparents go hand in hand, don’t they? Get your parents to visit your house and have them teach your children how to bake bread from scratch, prepare a roast chicken and even bake some biscuits. Your children can learn a lot in the kitchen, just like you did!

  • Arts & Crafts. From making jigsaw puzzles together to learning how to make homemade playdough, children can get hands-on with their grandparents and get crafty. The chance to learn and teach is all for the taking with arts and crafts!
  • Games. Board games like Monopoly and Frustration are fun to play with children, as grandparents can teach them a lot. However, it’s the opportunity to engage in chess lessons for adults and teach them the classics like chess and checkers that’s most exciting!
  • Gardening. Children rarely get the chance to learn much about plants, but your parents being retired have more than enough time, and they can go out with them and learn how to plant their own fruit and vegetables. Grandparents often have much more time and knowledge than we do in how to plant flowers and prune bushes, so let them impart that wisdom to your children.
  • Reading. The time spent on the knee of a grandparent learning to read is so valuable, and your parents get so much out of doing it! Set your kids up with a little library and ask your parents to contribute to it for birthdays and holidays.

Children are nurtured with a village mentality of family and friends if you have one – include grandparents in that mix and your children will be taught morals and manners, as well as wonderful hobbies. Support the relationship as one of the most important in the life of your child!

Contributed Post

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