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Helping Your Elderly Parents To Keep Their Independence

November 12, 2019

November 12, 2019

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As you get older, you start to encounter several issues that might stop you from keeping your independence. Having to rely on someone else to perform your usual daily tasks can be a really upsetting experience, especially if you’re used to living alone, and you may even begin to feel like a burden for your family and friends. Keeping all of these things in mind when you are deciding upon which kind of care you must provide for your elderly parents is so important, as they will be at their happiest if you can help them to retain some of their independence rather than sending them straight to sheltered accommodation. If you want to know more about what you can do to help your mom or dad live comfortably in their own home for as long as possible in their old age, then read on for some of the best top tips that you can begin implementing today.

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Tune Their Senses

The trouble with senses can be the most stressful of issues, as struggling with sight or hearing can take away a lot of your independence. If your elderly parent has problems with their vision, stay up to date with their optician appointments and ensure that they always have access to treatment and things such as prescription lenses. For hearing loss, make sure that you buy hearing aids that are of the highest quality so that they can cut through the noise and listen to those around them, as lack of communication can have a terrible impact on their mental health. Keeping their senses occupied by encouraging them to change their environment regularly can help them in many ways, as even a quick walk to the local shop can get them moving and ensure that they get to speak to people, whilst also giving them some natural light and fresh air.

Adapting Their Home

Making some changes and improvements to their home can aid them massively in keeping their independence. Even some of the cheapest adaptations can improve their life dramatically, so do some research on how you can upgrade the accessibility of their surroundings. It’s easier if you tackle each room individually so that you can pay as much attention to detail as possible – start with the bathroom, and install some grab bars close to the toilet to help them get up on their own, and add a foldaway seat inside their shower to reduce the chance of them slipping and it helps them to not have to stand up for long periods of time. If they have trouble getting on their feet in the morning, consider purchasing a new adjustable bed that can be activated with a remote control that can aid in putting them in a perfect position to stand up safely without any pain.

Helping your elderly relatives to keep their independence is a really important responsibility, but once it is complete that means perhaps they can babysit their grandkids alone in a happy and comfortable environment — meaning everyone’s a winner.

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