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As workplaces reopen, getting back to work may be more challenging than ever for young parents. Even if you work from home, you may want a caregiver for the kids so that you can stay on top of your professional commitments. Childcare will be on top of your mind because you may not want to […]

Successful black parenting

Hiring A Nanny In A Pandemic- Essential Safety Precautions For Parents

The global pandemic has made everyone observe social distancing, while other places are still on lockdown. That’s why, for many, parties are prohibited. But this doesn’t mean that you’ll have to give up on having a birthday party, have a virtual birthday party instead.Thanks to the power of the internet, you can still have a […]

African american parents celebrating a virtual birthday party with their child.

Great Ways To Have An Eco Friendly Virtual Birthday Party During The Pandemic

Are you battling with your child about wearing a face mask? Here are 8 tips to help your child adjust to wearing face masks.

Successful black parenting

8 Ways to Help Kids Adjust to Face Masks

The Amazing Zoe: Defeats The Germie Germlins helps young children understand the COVID-19 pandemic, especially as they return to school.

The amazing zoe defeats the germie germlins

New Picture Book Helps Young Children Understand Pandemic

Minority and socioeconomically disadvantaged children have significantly higher rates of COVID-19 infection, a new study shows.

Covid and minority children

COVID-19 Rates Higher Among Minority, Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Children

It is your job as a parent to protect your child and to keep them safe from COVID at school by any means necessary.

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COVID CRISIS – Sending Our Kids To School

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