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New Picture Book Helps Young Children Understand Pandemic

August 13, 2020

August 13, 2020

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The Amazing Zoe: Defeats The Germie Germlins by Toronto-based author Valene Campbell helps young children understand the COVID-19 pandemic, especially as they return to school.

Proud of her Jamaican heritage, Campbell created a picture book with a lead female character that is Black and is a somewhat of a super hero as she goes along and defeats the virus called, “Germlins” throughout the book. 

It empowers children to take control with virus prevention methods, like watching your hands for 20-seconds and explaining what the coronavirus actually is in an age-appropriate way.

The book is a great conversation-starter for children to ask questions about the virus and as a resource for parents to find the answers on their child’s level. This book is available as a hardcover, a paperback, and on Kindle on

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