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Celebrating Dad’s Day with Deon Derrico from “Doubling Down With The Derricos”

June 5, 2024

June 5, 2024

Father’s Day is a special time to honor the remarkable contributions and sacrifices dads make for their families. Deon Derrico, the loving and dedicated father from the TLC Network television show “Doubling Down With The Derricos,” offers a heartfelt perspective on what fatherhood means to him. As a Black man, his reflections on fatherhood, his reasons for participating in the TLC series, and the unique traditions of his household provide a beautiful glimpse into his life as a father. Read on as we are celebrating Dad’s Day with Deon Derrico.

Celebrating dad's day with deon derrico and family from the tlc network show, "doubling down with the derricos"

Deon Derrico’s understanding of fatherhood goes beyond the conventional role of a provider. He views it as a profound commitment to being fully present in his children’s lives. “For me, fatherhood means being totally present for my children by allowing them the space to be transparent with me, allowing them the time to share with me all of their young and evolving emotions, candidly talking about their lives including growing up, their bodies changing, their career choices. I try to be an excellent guide for them and be mindful of how they see mommy and I interact, as it will help both my boys and girls form lasting relationships in their own lives.”

This deep level of engagement and communication is vital for fostering a nurturing environment where children feel safe and valued. Deon’s emphasis on guiding his children and modeling a healthy relationship with their mother, Karen, sets a powerful example for his kids, helping them to form lasting and meaningful relationships in their own lives.

Deon Derrico saw an important opportunity to participate in the TLC series “Doubling Down With The Derricos.” He wanted to challenge and dispel negative stereotypes about Black fathers. “I wanted to do the show to showcase to the world that men, specifically Black men, are devoted family men dedicated to their children’s lives. I also saw it as a way of proving that some of the negative stereotypes that have been portrayed on television or spoken of in the news simply aren’t true. Our show depicts Black Fatherhood in a Black Excellence Way, showcasing a father (me) who is loving, nurturing, emotional, yet very strong, supportive, and bottom line shows up every day for his family.”

The show provides a refreshing and positive representation of Black fatherhood, highlighting the strength, love, and commitment that Deon brings to his role every day. By sharing his family’s journey, Deon hopes to inspire and uplift other fathers, showing that Black fathers are deeply involved and dedicated to their families.

Father’s Day in the Derrico household is a time of celebration and appreciation. Deon describes it as a particularly special holiday filled with love, gratitude, and joy. “Father’s Day is always a very special holiday for our family. I am literally spoiled and showered with gifts and warm, heartfelt cards! My mother, GG, always makes a point to tell me how great of a son I am to her, and how much I remind her of herself as a parent. And of course, my wife, Karen, always puts together a remarkable party with balloons, food, and fun! It’s the only holiday where I am not supposed to cook, but I usually end up cooking anyway!”

These traditions not only celebrate Deon’s role as a father but also reinforce the bonds within the family. The day is marked by an outpouring of love and recognition from his children, his mother, and his wife, creating a warm and affectionate atmosphere.

The Derricos were recently featured on the Sherri Show with Sherri Shepherd.

For Deon Derrico, Father’s Day is a cherished occasion that goes beyond the festivities and gifts. It’s a day that magnifies the joy and fulfillment he feels as a father. “Father’s Day means an extra day out of the year that my babies remind me just how lucky I am to be their dad! I feel lucky to be a dad every day, but Father’s Day is just an extra special day where we make a point to show our love, affection, and appreciation for one another. Being a father is one of my greatest joys and achievements in life.”

This heartfelt sentiment captures the essence of Deon’s approach to fatherhood. Every day, he is reminded of the blessings of being a father, but Father’s Day provides a special moment for his family to come together and celebrate the unique bond they share.

Deon Derrico’s reflections on fatherhood provide an inspiring and heartwarming look into the life of a dedicated father. His commitment to being present, his efforts to showcase positive representations of Black fatherhood, and the cherished traditions of his family all highlight the profound impact a loving father can have. As we celebrate Father’s Day, Deon’s story serves as a beautiful reminder of the joys and responsibilities of fatherhood, and the lasting legacy that fathers create for their children. Successful Black Parenting wants to give a huge Dad’s Day shout-out to Deon and remind you to check out their series on TLC, “Doubling Down With The Derricos.

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