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Dealing with Nasal Discomfort During Menopause

March 22, 2024

March 22, 2024

Coming back to it, understanding how menopause could impact older moms’ nasal health was as much of a mystery to me as it is to you. So, let me tell you how this happens. Read on.

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Well, it’s very unfortunate, but we don’t get to choose the symptoms we will be going through. So, here we are, discussing one of the most uncomfortable symptoms of menopause, “Nasal discomfort,” or what you can even call a ‘runny nose.’

Menopause brings about a plethora of changes, both physical and emotional. Thankfully, I’ve been reading Dr. Karen Pike, and it has been of great help in understanding these symptoms better. If you’re also one of those women struggling to identify which is what or have difficulty understanding how to deal with these symptoms, click here.

Coming back to it, understanding how menopause could impact your nasal health was as much of a mystery to me as it is to you. So, let me tell you how this happens. Read on.

Menopause and Nasal Health

Menopause, you must be aware, is a significant transition in a woman’s body that marks an end to her reproductive years. It is backed by complex hormonal changes, particularly a decline in estrogen levels. These hormonal shifts can have a wide range of effects on the body, including the nasal passage. Here’s how:

Estrogen’s Role in Nasal Health

Estrogen plays a crucial role in maintaining the health of nasal mucosa, the lining of the nasal passages. It helps regulate blood flow to the mucosa, promotes the production of mucus, and supports the immune function of the nasal passages.


Reduced estrogen levels can lead to dryness of the nasal mucosa. Without sufficient moisture, the mucosa becomes more susceptible to irritation and discomfort.


As said earlier, estrogen helps regulate blood flow to the nasal passages. When estrogen levels decrease, the blood vessels in the nasal mucosa can become dilated, leading to nasal congestion.


Dry Nasal mucosa is prone to bleeding. The combination of dryness and increased blood vessel dilation can make the nasal passages more prone to nosebleeds, especially in dry climates or during winter months.

Sinus Problem

Estrogen also has an anti-inflammatory effect, which can help reduce sinus inflammation. With decreased estrogen levels, women may experience sinus problems during menopause.

Other Factors

In addition to hormonal changes, environmental factors like cigarette smoke and air pollution, as well as lifestyle factors like dehydration, stress, and poor nasal hygiene.

Coping Strategies

If you’re experiencing nasal discomfort during menopause, there are several strategies that you can adopt to manage your symptoms and improve your overall nasal health. Below are a few of them:

Sip Herbal Tea

Not iced tea. What you will need now is something comfy that can soothe you. You can opt for Ginger tea, chamomile tea, or mint tea. Herbal teas tend to have anti-inflammatory properties that can help you with the discomfort.

Stay Hydrated

Aim for a minimum of eight glasses of water in a day; it’ll help keep your nasal mucosa hydrated, which will prevent dryness.

Use Nasal Saline Sprays

Nasal saline sprays can help moisturize the nasal mucosa and relieve dryness and congestion. These sprays are available over the counter at most drugstores, and they can be used as and when needed throughout the day.

Avoid Irritants

Certain environmental factors like smoke, air pollution, or strong odors can aggravate nasal discomfort. So, it’s better to avoid them.

Practice Good Nasal Hygiene

Keeping your nasal passages clean is important for preventing infections and reducing inflammation. Use a saline nasal rinse to flush out mucus and debris from your nasal passages.

Stay Active

Apart from the numerous benefits, exercise can also help with nasal discomfort. It helps improve circulation and reduce nasal congestion. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week.

Stay Informed

Knowledge is power, so educate yourself about menopause and nasal discomfort. Understanding the causes and potential treatments can help you better manage the symptoms.

Seek Support

Menopause can be challenging for some women. Don’t hesitate to reach out and seek help from friends, family, or a support group. Talking to others who are going through the same symptoms can be comforting as well as empowering.

Consult a Doctor

If your nasal discomfort is severe or persistent, it is important that you consult a doctor. They can help identify the underlying cause of your symptoms and recommend appropriate treatment options.

Among all the uncomfortable symptoms of menopause, dealing with nasal discomfort has been one of the most disturbing ones. Walking around with a dripping nose and a handkerchief to it, it possibly couldn’t get any worse.

At the end of this, I hope you know that you are not alone, but that doesn’t mean that you need to keep stuffing the handkerchief to your nose. Apart from the generic home remedies, there are possible treatment options that you can look for, but you mustn’t try them until you have consulted your doctor.

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