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Still Missing: Where Are Our Children?

September 10, 2023

September 10, 2023

In a world where the safety and protection of our children should be paramount, there exists an alarming and often overlooked issue – the disproportionate number of missing Black children who, tragically, are usually never found. “Still Missing: Where Are Our Children” sheds light on the distressing realities surrounding missing Black children, revealing startling statistics, highlighting their challenges, and emphasizing the urgent need for change.


Missing Since: 09/08/23
Missing childgabriella kulicia blockett

Age Now: 17

Missing Since: 09/09/23


Missing child - gabriella kulicia blockett



Age Now: 16


Missing Since: 09/04/23


Missing child - michael dwayne jones, jr



Age Now: 13


Missing Since: 09/03/23


Missing child - paige folk



Age Now: 16


As of the writing of this article, there appears to be an unequal or disproportionate number of missing children in Virginia.

The Discrepancy in Media Coverage

One of the most disheartening aspects of the issue is the glaring discrepancy in media coverage. The Black and Missing Foundation’s report reveals that missing minority children receive significantly less attention in the news than their white counterparts. In 2022 alone, a staggering 153,374 children of color went missing, yet many of these cases remain underreported.

This lack of media attention perpetuates the erasure of these missing children and hampers efforts to locate them. Without public awareness and assistance, bringing these children back to safety becomes increasingly challenging.

Racial Disparities in Recovery Time

Another disturbing trend is the stark racial disparities in the recovery time for missing children. According to data from, Black children are more likely to remain missing for extended periods, including over 48 hours and even over a week, than white children. This disparity raises severe concerns about the resources and effort to find these missing youth.

The prolonged search times can have devastating consequences, increasing the risk of harm or fatality for these missing children. It is essential to address the factors contributing to this discrepancy and ensure that every missing child, regardless of race, receives the swift and thorough response they deserve.

The Face of Abductions

A profoundly unsettling aspect of this issue is the profile of abductors. Most children kidnapped by strangers fall victim to men, and approximately two-thirds of stranger abductions involve female children. These chilling statistics underscore the vulnerability of children, particularly young girls, to predatory individuals.

Parents and communities must be vigilant, educate children about personal safety, and foster open communication to help protect them from potential threats. Recognizing the risks and taking proactive measures can make a significant difference in preventing abductions.

Challenging Misconceptions

Another hurdle in addressing this issue is the persistent misconception that attributes missing children to teen behavior and irresponsibility. This assumption can delay the consideration of abduction as a possibility, particularly for children aged 12 and over. Challenging these stereotypes and biases is essential, ensuring that all missing children are treated with the urgency and seriousness their cases merit.

Every hour and day a child remains missing is critical, and swift action can be the difference between a safe return and a tragic outcome. Overcoming these misconceptions is essential to achieving better outcomes for missing children.

Legislative Efforts and Media Representation

Recognizing the urgent need for change, some states are taking steps to address the issue of missing Black children. In California, Senate Bill 673 aims to create an “Ebony Alert” to address the lack of attention given to Black youth and young Black women who go missing. Such legislative efforts are crucial in raising awareness and improving the response to these cases.

Furthermore, media representation is vital in bringing attention to missing children. Research has shown that missing Black children are underrepresented in media coverage despite the significant number of cases. Increased media attention can lead to more tips and information, aiding search efforts and the safe return of missing children.

The Dark Underbelly: Violence, Murder, and Human Trafficking

It is suspected that many missing Black children, especially if their abduction is not domestic, become victims of violence, murder, or human trafficking. The National Center on Sexual Exploitation has reported that a shocking 40% of sex trafficking victims in the United States are Black, despite Black people comprising only 13.6% of the population. This includes a disproportionately high number of Black girls in child sex trafficking cases, highlighting a grave concern that demands immediate action.

Keeping Our Children Safe

In the face of these distressing realities, parents and guardians must take steps to protect their children. One valuable tool for ensuring child safety is the Amber Alert GPS system. While initially designed for young children, it can be used for children of all ages. This system tracks your child’s location online or through a mobile app, updating location information every five minutes.

Parents can set up safe zones to receive alerts when their child enters or leaves designated areas, such as school. SOS alerts can be triggered if a child feels threatened or unwell, initiating voice calls, texts, or emails. Two-way calling enables communication between parents and children, ensuring they stay connected, and the long battery life provides peace of mind.

One of the unique features of the Amber Alert GPS system is Predator Alerts. Parents receive notifications when their child comes within 500 feet of a registered sex offender’s residence, enhancing neighborhood awareness and safety.

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CLICK HERE for more information about the Amber Alert GPS System for kids.

Our children, regardless of race or ethnicity, are our most precious treasures. The disturbing issue of missing Black children demands our collective attention, empathy, and action. This article has illuminated the distressing statistics, challenges, and potential solutions related to this pressing issue. Our shared responsibility is to ensure that all children are protected, found, and reunited with their families. Let’s keep asking where are our children? Together, we can make a difference and end the tragic epidemic of missing Black children.

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