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4 Ways to Help Children Get Ready for College

January 10, 2023

January 10, 2023

Do you have one or more children about to graduate high school and attend college? If so, now is the time to explore how you can support them to get ready for college. Some parents prefer to help with expenses by cosigning for a student loan so kids can get lower interest rates and have better chances for approval. Another technique is to check out possible scholarship opportunities at the same time you’re filling out loan applications.

For students who are unsure about career paths or college majors, parents can offer a great deal of help by discussing all the possibilities and letting youngsters choose what appeals to them the most. Finally, be sure to proofread college essays. A parent’s eyes can usually spot content, grammar, and diction errors that young adults miss. Review the following details about how to assist your college-bound children.

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Cosign for a Student Loan

Even the best high school students who apply for college loans suffer because they need credit or work history. By cosigning on their loan application, parents can help youngsters get much more advantageous interest rates and better overall terms. A parent who becomes an Earnest cosigner for student loans can save their child money over the life of the loan, not just on immediate expenses or initial payments. Even a small difference in interest rates can translate to a huge amount of saved money on payments through the ensuing years. In many cases, young people can’t even get approved for a loan without a cosigner, so your help is indispensable.

Work Together to Find Scholarship Opportunities

Use a reputable search platform to uncover potential scholarships. Work alongside your child to help them screen selections and apply for any opportunities they can get. Older teens can be brilliant academically but often lack the ability to evaluate financial offers like scholarships, loans, and grants.

Discuss Academic and Career Plans

Don’t be reluctant to give direct advice to your children about potential jobs that might be suitable for them or about college majors. Kids may shrug off your initial overtures, but they usually listen to what you say and eventually take it to heart. Most young people will welcome useful suggestions about navigating the school to work transition, and your experience can serve them well. Be sure to coordinate with high school counselors, some of whom hold advanced degrees in career guidance for graduating seniors.

Proofread Their Application Essays

Don’t underestimate the importance of proofreading college essays for your son or daughter. Either do it yourself or hire a professional to tackle the chore for you. It’s important to remember that a faulty essay can mean rejection at highly competitive schools, so a typo or two can amount to a non-acceptance. The most effective way to check essays for spelling, grammar, syntax, content, diction, and general tone is to use a team approach. Don’t leave the applicant out of the process, and make sure that your child composes the initial draft of the document.

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