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What Is The Minimum Age For A Child’s Ear Piercing?

June 21, 2022

June 21, 2022

A child’s ear piercing is a common practice and a tradition followed by many. Some parents get their child’s ears pierced as soon as they are born, while others wait until their kids are toddlers or preschoolers.

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No matter what your preference, it is wise to consult with your doctor before you get your child’s ears pierced. Since most kids have delicate ears, consulting with the doctor will help prevent the risk of infection or damage to the earlobe.

It is also extremely important to read up and update yourself on things to know while piercing your child’s ears for the first time. This will help you avoid common mistakes and enable you to make the experience of piercing ears as pain-free for your child as possible.

Below we have listed the various parameters that you must consider while piercing your child’s ears.

Ear Piercing: Things To Know

Minimum age to get your child’s ears pierced

Whether or not to get your child’s ears pierced is completely your choice. You can decide if you wish to pierce their ears at all, and if yes, then at what age should you do it.

  • According to pediatricians, a baby’s ears should be pierced when he/she is at least six months old.
  • Some studies state that the age limit should be around six months and above.
  • Some parents wait until eight or nine years of age to get their child’s ears pierced, so their children can have a say about it.

While the exact age of ear piercing can vary, it is important to wait for at least six months before piercing your child’s ears. Additionally, it is recommended that you wait for your child to get a tetanus shot before piercings.

 Selecting the correct method for ear piercing

Just like you would consider the safest toy for your kid, take extra care to finalize the method of piercing.

ENT Specialist

In terms of hygiene, an ENT specialist tops the list when it comes to piercing the baby’s ears. They use sterilized surgical needles, so in terms of safety, this method has an edge over the rest. Also, they may use special ointments and gels to minimize pain.

Salon Specialist

Salon professionals use mechanized guns to pierce a child’s ears. When you consider safety measures, there are chances the studs may not be completely sterilized, so you must be careful about this method.

Gold Jeweler

Some jewelers also pierce children’s ears.

 Safety measures to consider while piercing your child’s ears
  • Ensure that the piercer has his gloves on and is using sterilized tools for piercing.
  • Make sure that a first aid kit is available with the piercer if required.
  • Proper care should be taken to disinfect the area to be pierced in advance.
  • Always be prepared for any unforeseen event. There might be times when a child may catch a fever or have a bit of a blood loss. In a situation like that, ensure to consult with a doctor immediately.
  • Make an informed decision on the kind of earring to use for the piercing and wait for the skin to heal.
 Choosing the best metal for your child’s first earring

Gold is the number one choice for kid’s earrings. Almost every child’s first earring is made of gold. This metal is the safest, skin-friendly, and will prevent infections. Avoid earrings made from nickel or lead. These can cause severe allergies or rashes.

To summarize, ensure that your child is at least six months old before you consider piercing. Choose the correct piercing method and metal to avoid any side effects. If any side effects occur, ensure that you seek immediate help from the doctor.

Getting your child’s ears pierced is a common cultural ritual. However, conscious efforts must be taken to make this a painless, smooth, and healthy process.

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