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5 Ways to Be More Engaging as a Parent

December 7, 2021

December 7, 2021

Parenting can be one of the most challenging jobs in the world. It requires patience, creativity, and unwavering love for your children. If you want to be more engaging as a parent, there are five key things that you should do.

Engaging parent on successful black parenting magazine

Quality Time

One of the most important things a parent needs is to spend quality time with their child. We all know how easy it can be to get wrapped up in other responsibilities and lose out on spending time with our children, but this is one of those opportunities that we don’t want to miss. There will be other activities going on, but it is essential to take some time for them.

Take Advantage of Every Opportunity

Another thing you will need to do as a parent is to take advantage of every opportunity you have with your child. Too many parents miss extraordinary moments because they have other things going on or don’t realize how precious time is. Put your phone down and focus on what your child is saying or doing.

There might be times when you won’t be able to do this, but try to make a habit of it. It can be as simple as reading a book together or playing a game.

Play Games

One of the best ways to be more engaging as a parent is to play games with your children. Board games, card games, and even sports can help foster a close relationship with your children while teaching them essential skills like how to lose gracefully and how to take turns.

Include Them In Your Day To Day Life

When you have children, they become a big part of your life. As a result, you have to change the way you live and how much time you spend on different things to accommodate their needs and yours.

This doesn’t mean giving up everything, but it does mean changing some aspects so that everyone is happy with what is going on. One way to make sure that you are more engaging as a parent is to include them in your day-to-day life. This can be as simple as eating breakfast together or walking around the block after dinner.

It’s easy to get wrapped up in your children and their lives, but it’s important to remember to take care of yourself. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep, exercise, and downtime. It can be tough to find time for yourself with everything else, but it’s essential for your well-being.

Do something for yourself; for example, if you like going to the gym or exercising, do a bootcamp certification course or if you want gardening, start a vegetable garden. After all, if we can’t be happy with ourselves, we can’t make anyone else happy.

Parenting can be a challenging task, but it’s also one of the most rewarding. As a parent, you want to be as engaging as possible so that your child will grow up healthy and happy.

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  1. […] if they don’t act based on these standards. Perfectionism can also negatively impact your relationship with your children as they tend to withhold themselves. Children need unconditional love and support, and they should […]

  2. […] if they don’t act based on these standards. Perfectionism can also negatively impact your relationship with your children as they tend to withhold themselves. Children need unconditional love and support, and they should […]

  3. […] is a significant step for both parents and kids and it’s almost time to start registering children for school in the fall. In most […]

  4. […] is a significant step for both parents and kids and it’s almost time to start registering children for school in the fall. In most […]

  5. […] post 5 Ways to Be More Engaging as a Parent appeared first on Successful Black Parenting […]

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