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By the time your child is in third-grade it is essential they know how to read well. This is a point in a child’s life when they are no longer taught by their teachers to read but are expected to read on their own and every assignment requires reading.

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10 Books For School Age Children

Did you know that if you read five books every night to your child from the day they are born, your child will be exposed to about 1.4 million words before entering Kindergarten?

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8 Recommended Books For Toddlers

Schools across the country are panicking because their funding is tied to graduation rates and test scores. Having too many underachieving students can result in deep budget cuts and lower grades for schools. One ethnic group that has historically scored low on standardized tests is African American students and the official name for this disparity […]

Successful black parenting

3 Easy Essentials to Close the Black Achievement Gap in Schools

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