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Explore the benefits of cooking with your children to boost their reading and math skills while strengthening family bonds, as featured in Successful Black Parenting magazine.

Black mother in the kitchen teaching her daughter to cook, both smiling and engaged.

Four Benefits Of Cooking With Your Children

President Barack Obama has a new version of his book, Dreams From My Father, written specifically for young adults.

Dreams 1 on successful black parenting magazine

For Young Adults: Barack Obama Dreams From My Father

Representation is essential and must be accurate. Diversifying children’s literature should be an intentional act.

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Why Authenticity is Important in Literature

Nothing makes a parent prouder than seeing their child transform from a helpless infant to a vibrant child. Such a parent is happier witnessing their child do remarkable things such as reading while still relatively young. Reading is special because, unlike other developmental aspects like walking and talking, your child must learn how to read. […]

The 5 primary benefits of introducing your child to reading

The 5 Primary Benefits of Introducing Your Child to Reading

Host of the syndicated BACKtalk podcast and live stream, Janice Robinson-Celeste interviewed author and literary advocate, Carylee Carrington about “Black Children’s Book Authors You Don’t Know About” and we had a great time talking about our favorite children’s books, including her two books feature below as well as my two board that you can also find below. And you can find […]

Black book authors you don't know about

Black Children’s Book Authors You Don’t Know About

Whether you’re homeschooling or just keeping your children on quarantine until the pandemic is resolved, you need to keep your children busy and interested in learning but it needs to be fun. Compass Charter Schools put together a comprehensive list of free or almost free virtual enrichment resources for children that we have permission to […]

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Free In-Home Activities To Keep Kids Busy And Learning

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