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Explore the impact of maternal mental health on Black moms and their families. Learn about disparities, challenges, interventions, and expert insights in this insightful article.

Black maternal mental health

The Impact of Maternal Mental Health on Black Mothers and Their Families

Parents must understand the warning signs and symptoms of anxiety and depression and anxiety in their adolescence. This article will help you.

African american adolescent girl in fetal position on her bed depressed for an article for successful black parenting magazine.

Anxiety and Depression in Adolescence: Everything You Need to Know

Stress is a natural part of life, there are ways to help your child manage their emotions. Here are a few tips.

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Helping Your Child with Stress and Anxiety

BLACK CHILDREN ARE STRUGGLING WITH COVID-19 GRIEF BUT Is being Black a precondition for contracting THE CORONAVIRUS? In short, the answer is No.A quick glance at the data shows that Black people are more than twice as likely to die from coronavirus than any other racial group in the United States. The reason being that the conditions under which most people of color live, inadequate […]

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How Black Parents Can Help Kids Struggling with COVID-19 Grief

Congratulations! You got a new job. You’re expecting new income but yet you don’t feel like celebrating as much as you should. Why not? Because now that you’ve accepted the new position with higher pay, your responsibilities have increased on the job. Typically, that means longer hours or being much more accessible than you were […]

Successful black parenting magazine

Child Care Anxiety is REAL! Here Is How To Have A Peace-Of-Mind

Children have stress too and as parents, we can’t dismiss it just because they are children. Their stress comes in all sizes from anxiety about a test, to a bully at school and they may never tell you what they are going through. It’s all valid life stress, which teaches children coping skills. But what […]

Successful black parenting

Support Your Child’s Mental Health By Age

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