Nowadays, parents often complain about their teen’s mental health; every teen struggles with either anxiety or depression. Moreover, it is not easy for a parent to differentiate between a normal teenage growing depression and anxiety. That’s why parents must understand the warning signs and symptoms of depression and anxiety in their adolescence. When parents are well aware of their teen’s mental health, they can seek help from teen rehab centers. Let us understand the terms depression and anxiety thoroughly and learn their symptoms and treatment.
Understanding Depression:
The teen years are extremely tough, and depression affects teenagers far more adversely than you can imagine. It has been studied that one in five adolescents suffers from depression at some point during their teen years. However, depression is a treatable mental condition. Teen depression is a severe mental health issue that impacts every aspect of adolescent life. Luckily, parents can help; their guidance, love, and care can help teens overcome depression and get back to everyday life.
Understanding Anxiety:
Anxiety is a rampant mental health issue in the teenage years because adolescence experiences new opportunities and challenges. Anxiety in teens can include body signals such as ‘butterflies,’ a sinking feeling, nerves, feeling uncomfortable, or tense.
Though anxiety is limited to teenagers, anyone can feel anxious once in their life, especially when dealing with any stressful or unfamiliar situation. Anxiety is a reaction to challenging situations. You can take an online DiSC assessment to help figure out how you react to certain situations which could help in understanding your anxiety levels.
While talking about adolescent anxiety, they can experience a different level of stress. For example- teens might worry about school, finding new school friends, fear sitting in exams, performing in school plays, and so on. Feeling anxious is a part of the normal range of emotions. Though most adolescents’ anxiety didn’t last for longer and goes away on its own in some teens, the pressure stays for longer, which needs proper treatment.
Causes Behind Adolescence Depression and Anxiety:
Depression and anxiety are not always related to bad moods. These can be different sometimes. The negative effect of teenage depression and anxiety can go beyond a sorrowful spirit. Depression and anxiety can damage the essence of your teen’s personality, which can cause an overwhelming sense of sadness or anger. The following can be some of the causes behind a teen’s depression and anxiety behavior.
- Any problem at school
- Drug or alcohol abuse
- Lower self-esteem
- Addiction to smartphones
- Victim of any violence.
Signs and Symptoms of Teen Depression and Anxiety:
Adults coping with depression and anxiety can seek help, but teens can only depend on their parents or caregivers to identify their sufferings and get the help they need. However, it’s not always easy, as adolescents with depression don’t look sad. Moreover, anger and agitation can also be the most potential symptoms. Look for the following signs and symptoms to ensure whether your teen is undergoing depression or anxiety:
- Sadness or hopelessness
- Frequent crying
- Anger or agitation
- Retraction from family and friends
- Loss of interest in any activity
- Low school performance
- Changes in sleeping and eating habits
- Inability in concentrating
- Feeling guilty and worthlessness
- Insufficient motivation
- Irregular pains and aches
- Thought of suicide or death
How to Help Your Depressed and Anxious Adolescence?
Depression can be dangerous if it is left untreated so if you observe any warning sign of depression in your teen, then bring up your concerns in a loving and non-judgemental way. Moreover, if you are not sure that depression is the problem, destructive behaviors and emotions are symptoms of an issue that should be discussed. Mentioned below are some tips on how a parent can help their teen in fighting depression:
A depressed teen tends to isolate themselves from their friends and the activities which they used to enjoy. But isolation can make the depression condition worsen. Here are some tips on how a parent can help-
- Make sure you set aside a time each day to talk with your teen with complete focus and attention. This simple way of connecting face to face can play a significant role in reducing a teen’s depression. It would be helpful if you also remembered that talking to your teen about depression will not make the condition worsen, but your support can make a big difference.
- Motivate your teen to go out with friends and keep connected with them. Encourage your teen to participate in activities that involve friends and family.
- Get your teen to involve in some activities like dance, art, music, or any sports. Here you can take advantage of your teen’s talent. While your teen might lack motivation at first but re-engage with the world, they will start feeling better and enthusiastic.
- Make sure that you provide nutritious and balanced meals. A well-balanced diet is necessary for optimum brain health. The diet should include fats, proteins, and fresh produce.
- Your support and lifestyle changes can make a massive difference for teens, but it is not always enough. When depression seems to become severe, do not forget to seek professional help with advanced training and a strong background in treating and handling teens.
Depression and anxiety in adolescence are common mental health conditions that can be treated with parents’ support and guidance. However, severe symptoms need the assistance of professionals.
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