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Your Partner in Parenting

Family & Home

Parents are at their wits-end trying to manage helping their child navigate online classes and we’re here to help!

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Contributed PostAs a mother, it is often hard to know whether you are doing everything right. All of us make mistakes, of course, and it is not possible to simply be perfect the whole time. But you want to feel that you are doing right by your kids, and that can sometimes be hard to […]

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Contributed PostFor whatever reason, your child has decided to go vegan. This can come from a love of animals, or it might be due to external influencing factors. Kids are growing up in the world of YouTube and social media, so it’s easy to be exposed to different ways of thinking. Regardless of why your […]

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Listen to this broadcast for legitimate work-at-home-jobs on a website created by a Black mom.

Real work-at-home-jobs for moms

Dr. Alexia McClerkin, 36  Chiropractor The Sports and Wellness Doc When I first got pregnant with my second son in 2017, I was so excited because my planning worked. I thought to myself it would be a great idea if I did a 5K every month of my pregnancy. I had run 5Ks before and worked out my […]

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  Contributed Post There are times when health insurance only goes so far. If you have a high deductible plan, you may find that you still have to pay a large amount towards the medical treatment out of your own pocket, in the case of expensive treatment, this could involve hundreds or thousands of dollars. In other cases, your insurance may not cover certain forms of treatment. […]

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