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Your Partner in Parenting


To Black Parents Everywhere,As we write this, we want to acknowledge that we are overwhelmed. For Tunette, married and mother of three young sons, it’s just too much testosterone. For Tonikiaa, married and mother of two teenage daughters, it’s just too much estrogen. The kids are arguing. The house refuses to clean itself. The question […]

Black parents and love in an illustration of an african american mother and daughter both wearing medical masks.

Vidas NegrasLike countless families around the world, the onset of COVID-19 has brought us many sudden changes and challenges. It’s been approximately five months since stay-at-home orders were initiated in the U.S, and with no end in sight, every day is a struggle to juggle all of our different roles simultaneously and in isolation of […]

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Start the Movement Right From Your Living Room: Positioning Your Black Children as Change Agents, Historians & CreativesWhew! The academic year is finally over and the summer is in full swing. The previous academic year ended in an unprecedented fashion, and left parents questioning the quality of their child’s distance education experience. Considering that several […]

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BLACK CHILDREN ARE STRUGGLING WITH COVID-19 GRIEF BUT Is being Black a precondition for contracting THE CORONAVIRUS? In short, the answer is No.A quick glance at the data shows that Black people are more than twice as likely to die from coronavirus than any other racial group in the United States. The reason being that the conditions under which most people of color live, inadequate […]

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“There must exist a paradigm, a practical model for social change that includes an understanding of ways to transform consciousness that are linked to efforts to transform structures.” ― bell hooks, Killing Rage: Ending RacismWhether exposed through direct lived experiences or vicariously through media, Black teens are attuned to the unjust structural forces operating in […]

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COVID-19, more commonly known as coronavirus, is having an impact globally. In early March, COVID-19 was officially identified as a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). Although much remains to be known about the virus, many countries including the United States have begun to take drastic precautions as a way to reduce the rates […]

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