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Eye-Opening Report Debunks Myths About Black Parents And Education

May 22, 2024

May 22, 2024

In a recent episode of Successful Black Parenting’s BACKtalk podcast, the host, Janice Robinson-Celeste, dives into an eye-opening report that debunks common myths about Black parents and education. This episode highlights the findings of a report by the United Negro College Fund (UNCF), which reveals that Black parents are deeply committed to their children’s educational success and emphasizes the critical role of Black teachers in fostering better educational outcomes for Black students.

Backtalk podcast guest, dr. Meredith anderson on the graphic for the live show discussing myths about black parents and education.
Click to play.

One of the most pervasive myths is that Black parents are not involved in their children’s education. The UNCF report titled, “Hear Us, Believe Us: Centering African-American Parent Voices in K-12 Education,” directly challenges this notion. Dr. Meredith Anderson from UNCF, who played an instrumental role in the research, shares, “Nearly 90% of Black parents believe it’s important for their child to attend college, and over 80% regularly check their child’s homework and communicate with teachers.” This data clearly contradicts the stereotype of disengaged Black parents.

The report also highlights the significant positive impact of Black teachers on Black students. Schools with more Black teachers see better student outcomes, including fewer disciplinary actions and higher aspirations for college among Black students. “Black teachers have high expectations and a deep understanding of the cultural contexts of their students,” Dr. Anderson notes. This reinforces the need for increased representation of Black educators in schools.

“Nearly 90% of Black parents believe it’s important for their child to attend college, and over 80% regularly check their child’s homework and communicate with teachers.”UNCF Report

During the podcast, Robinson-Celeste, a former Black public school teacher, shares her firsthand experiences, illustrating how Black teachers often go above and beyond to protect and advocate for their students. She emphasizes the importance of having Black teachers who can relate to their students’ experiences and serve as role models.

Black parents often face unique challenges that are not adequately addressed by school administrations. These include feeling disrespected or unheard by educators and administrators. “Our previous report, ‘Done to Us, Not With Us,’ highlighted that Black parents often feel their voices are ignored in the decision-making processes,” Dr. Anderson explains. Schools need to create more inclusive environments where Black parents feel valued and their input is actively sought.

Janice robinson-celeste, the host of backtalk and dr. Meredith anderson from uncf.
Watch this BACKtalk episode in its entirety by clicking on the video.

Community support plays a crucial role in enhancing educational outcomes for Black students. The podcast discusses how mobilizing community resources and support can make a significant difference. Dr. Anderson highlights organizations like PAVE (Parents Amplifying Voices in Education) in Washington, DC, which successfully mobilize parents to engage with school boards and local government to advocate for their children’s education.

The UNCF report offers several recommendations for policy changes to better support Black parents and students. These include investing in the recruitment and retention of Black teachers, ensuring textbooks reflect African American history and culture, and creating more opportunities for parental involvement. “We need to prioritize support staff in schools and make sure that parents have access to resources and know where to go for help,” Dr. Anderson says.

Robinson-Celeste urges listeners to take practical steps to support these initiatives, such as running for school board positions and staying informed about school policies. She emphasizes the importance of Black parents having a seat at the table where educational decisions are made. “If you’ve ever been told you have a big mouth and lots of opinions, consider running for office. Your voice is needed,” she encourages.

The podcast concludes with a discussion on the future of Black education and the need for continuous research and advocacy. Dr. Anderson mentions upcoming initiatives, including a toolkit for parents to help them navigate the education system and advocate for their children. “We’re excited to continue this work and ensure that Black parents’ voices are heard,” she says.

This episode of Successful Black Parenting’s podcast sheds light on the critical role of Black parents and teachers in the educational success of Black students. By debunking harmful myths and highlighting the importance of community and policy support, it provides a roadmap for creating a more inclusive and effective educational environment for Black families.

A new episode of BACKtalk airs live every Thursday at 10 AM ET. Email us for advertising rates starting at $60 by visiting our website.

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