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The 4 Keys to Choosing a Great Middle Name

March 26, 2024

March 26, 2024

When choosing a middle name, we can go for some of the above ideas, but ultimately it’s our child that has to carry it, and this also needs to form part of your decision-making.

Choosing a name for your baby

Honor Family

While you can certainly opt for a middle name generator, one of the best ways to reduce any debate about a middle name for your baby is to honor a family member. It could be the beginning of a tradition, for example, choosing a middle name that was either a parent’s or grandparent’s name.

Reflecting Your Heritage

You may have family lineage that goes way back to Africa, Nigeria, or anywhere else that may not be reflected anywhere in your name now. Giving a nod to your heritage by selecting a middle name that reflects your cultural background is an excellent choice. So many people don’t necessarily like their middle name, and it’s something that, for some reason, we all conceal. If you make peace with the fact that the middle name is not necessarily given the same level of importance as the first name or the last name, choosing something that truly gives a nod to your heritage that reflects your cultural background can be something that stimulates discussion with your child as they grow older.

Coincidental Names

You could also go more left field by picking a unique middle name that relates to a significant event that occurred around the time of the birth, and while this is leaving something open to chance, it is an excellent way to bring back memories of that period of time decades in the future. A lot of people pick names relating to birth months, which is a very simple way to select a lovely-sounding middle name without necessarily putting a huge amount of effort into choosing something that has an amazing ring to it.

Think About Visual and Auditory Appeal

Lots of people don’t like the middle name because it tends to jar with the first and last name, so if you want to pick a middle name that is equal billing with both first and last names, pay attention to the sound and the length, ensuring that it flows well with the first and last name and depending on what your concerns are with the middle name, making it easier to pronounce. This latter point could be thrown out if you don’t necessarily want to worry about other people’s complaints, but you should also look at how the middle name appears when written out to ensure its visual appeal and ultimately represent your child well.

When choosing a middle name, we can go for some of the above ideas, but ultimately it’s our child that has to carry it, and this also needs to form part of your decision-making.

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