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5 Interactive Games and Activities to Teach Kids About Money

March 12, 2024

March 12, 2024

In today’s digital age, financial literacy has become a critical component of a child’s education, particularly within the Black community. Research shows the lack of financial literacy in Black and African Americans is one of the factors contributing to their racial wealth gap. In the 2022 Survey of Consumer Finances, the Federal Reserve reported that the average Black family’s wealth is about six times “lower” than that of the average white family.

As parents, finding engaging and effective ways to teach our kids about money can set them up for lifelong success and financial independence. Hence, this blog post delves into five interactive games and activities tailored for Black families and aimed at making financial education both accessible and enjoyable.

Teach kids about money through games on successful black parenting magazine

Virtual Lemonade Stand – Budgeting Basics

Websites like PBS Kids provide interactive games that simulate running a business. One of these games is the Lemonade Stand. This game introduces basic concepts of budgeting, expenses, and profit, offering a practical understanding of how to manage money effectively.

  • Alternative – Family Budgeting Activity: Involving children in family budgeting exercises, such as planning a birthday party, teaches them to prioritize spending and understand the value of money. This real-world application reinforces the lessons learned from online games and encourages responsible financial behavior from a young age.

The downside is these two may oversimplify complex financial decisions faced in adulthood. To address this, parents can gradually introduce more complex budgeting scenarios as children grow, ensuring a deeper understanding of financial planning. They can let children make small financial decisions in safe, real-life contexts to provide a more rounded financial education.

“In the 2022 Survey of Consumer Finances, the Federal Reserve reported that the average Black family’s wealth is about six times “lower” than that of the average white family.”

The Game of Life – Debt Management

The Game of Life is a board game that helps kids understand debt management. Although it’s about managing debt that can be complex, loans, interest, and credit are discussed in a context children can quickly grasp. Essentially, it simulates real-life financial decisions, including the repercussions of debt, in a controlled, playful environment.

  • Alternative – Debt Management Activities: Role-playing exercises that mimic real-life debt scenarios help children understand the impact of borrowing and the significance of debt repayment. Such activities prepare them for future financial responsibilities and the importance of maintaining good credit.

However, there’s a risk that children might not fully understand the long-term consequences of poor debt management. To complement these activities, parents should have open discussions about credit scores, interest rates, and real-life stories of debt management.

Solutions could include visiting a bank, meeting with a financial advisor, or using online simulations that offer more detailed scenarios on credit management. These experiences can provide a more comprehensive view of how credit and debt work in the adult world.

Modern Piggy Banks – Saving Habits

Digital savings apps for kids transform the traditional piggy bank into an interactive learning experience. These apps allow children to set goals and visually track their progress, making saving both rewarding and fun.

  • Alternative – Family Saving Challenge: Implementing a family saving challenge for a collective goal introduces children to shared financial objectives. It’s a hands-on way to teach the importance of saving and working together as a family toward a common aim.

While digital savings tools and family challenges can make saving more engaging, they may not fully convey the value of long-term savings or investing. To bridge this gap, parents can discuss the purpose behind saving, such as college funds or long-term investments, in age-appropriate language.

Additionally, supplementing digital savings experiences with physical saving methods, like a clear jar for coins, can help children appreciate the tangible aspect of saving. This dual approach ensures children understand both the practical and conceptual sides of saving.

Simplified Stock Market Games – Investment

Virtual investment platforms introduce the concept of stock market investing in an accessible format. If children manage a portfolio with virtual money, they can learn about risk, diversification, and the long-term benefits of investing without real-world consequences.

  • Alternative – Family Investment Discussions: Talking about investments at home, using simple terms and examples, can reinforce what children learn through games. Discussing real family investments makes the concept more tangible and prepares them for future financial decisions.

While stock market games and family discussions are great starting points, they might not convey the real risks and emotional aspects of investing. To address this, parents can introduce stories of real investors, both successes and failures, to teach about the unpredictability of the stock market.

Moreover, using simulations that include market downturns or investment losses can provide a safer way for kids to experience and learn from investment risks. Encouraging critical thinking about investments, such as researching companies or discussing ethical investing, can deepen their understanding and interest in the financial world.

Charity Board Games – Financial Generosity

Charity board games or board games that include philanthropic elements teach children the importance of giving back. They offer a fun way to discuss how financial resources can be used to help others and the impact of generosity.

  • Alternative – Family Volunteer Day: Organizing a family volunteer day or fundraising event for a cause important to your family brings these lessons to life. It’s a practical way to demonstrate the value of giving back and the role of financial resources in supporting community initiatives.

Involving children in the decision-making process of selecting charities or causes to support can also make these lessons more personal and meaningful. Sharing stories of individuals or communities helped by philanthropy can also make the abstract concept of giving more tangible and meaningful to children.

Final Thoughts

Teaching kids about money through interactive games and activities is not just educational—it’s essential for building a solid financial foundation. For Black families, these lessons can be particularly beneficial to navigate and overcome economic challenges. If unsure, don’t hesitate to seek professional advice. After all, this is for your children’s future.

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