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Best Ways to Make Moving Easier On Your Kids

May 25, 2022

May 25, 2022

Moving is stressful for anyone, but when your parents are helping you pack and move into a new home where everything is strange and unfamiliar, it becomes even more challenging. With moving prep ahead of you, it’s easy to forget that your kids will be directly affected by this process.

They’re probably excited at first, but they might feel stressed or worried as moving day gets closer. And while there’s no way you can eliminate all of the stress they may feel, there are ways to make moving easier on your kids. If you have kids of your own or are helping someone else relocate with children, here are some helpful tricks to make moving easier on your kids and as seamless as possible.

Dad pushing his daughter in an empty moving box, smiling together during a move.

turning a move into playtime: see how this dad makes relocation fun for his daughter, as featured in successful black parenting magazine. Discover tips for a stress-free move with children in our latest issue.

Communicate With Your Kids About What’s Happening And When

Kids are intuitive, and they can sense even the subtlest of changes in the atmosphere. If you try to keep them in the dark about the big move, they’ll notice that something is different. Instead of keeping your household more private, communicate with your kids directly about what’s happening and when. Explain what’s going on, why you’re moving, and how their lives will be affected. Be sure to include them in the decision-making process as much as possible.

Keep The Same Routine

Keep the same routine as much as possible during the hectic transition period. As you’re packing up and cleaning out your house to make way for the movers, your kids may feel neglected and confused. Make sure you keep to their usual schedule and dinner times as much as possible to maintain a sense of familiarity with their lives. Avoid canceling clubs and activities they go to unless unavoidable. Try not to move during the school week to minimize disruption on moving day if your child is overly worried about it.

Help Them Understand Why You’re Moving

Kids are curious about the world around them, but that doesn’t mean they understand everything. Your kid might ask you why you’re moving, but chances are they don’t fully grasp why this is happening. To help them understand why you’re uprooting your lives:

  • Talk to them about the move at their level.
  • Don’t try to oversimplify it or pretend like it’s no big deal. Talk to your kids in a way that they can understand.
  • Explain why you’re moving and what caused you to make this decision.

Making Moving Easier On Your Kids

Finally, as you’re packing up your home, find ways to make the moving process fun for your kids. If you have younger kids, involve them in the packing, decluttering, moving boxes to storage units, and cleaning process as much as possible. You can give them little tasks like sorting through old toys so they feel like they’re contributing.

If you have older kids, try to involve them in the decision-making process as much as possible. Let them pick out or help decide on new furniture and decorations for the new house, so they feel like they’re making a mark on their new home.

Kids respond best when they feel like they’re included in the process and given responsibility. A transition as big as a move can be scary and daunting, but if you prepare and involve your children, they’ll be able to get through it with a lot less stress.

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