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What To Buy For Your Pregnant Friend

September 11, 2019

September 11, 2019

Contributed Post

Having a pregnant friend often changes your own life in surprisingly dramatic and drastic ways. Not to the same degree as it changes theirs, naturally, but you will find that it is going to affect you too, and it’s good to be prepared for that.

In all likelihood, the nature of your friendship is going to be somewhat altered, even if that is just because you are not going to see them quite as much. You might also find that they are sometimes moody, or that there are other emotional problems that you need to help them with. Being prepared for all this is a wise idea, as is knowing what you might get them as some kind of a gift. You don’t have to lavish them with gifts, of course, but treating them to something can be a great way to show you support them and you care. So what should you go for?

Pregnant 01 on successful black parenting magazine
Credit – CCO Licence

A Photo Shoot

You have probably seen pregnant women take photoshoots in recent years. Whether these photos just get put up on social media, or whether they form part of a scrapbook to look back on years later down the line, they are a great way to remember this period of your friend’s life, and that is one reason why this might make such a great gift. You can click here to see some examples of the kind of pregnancy photographs that might be taken, and as you can see it is likely that your friend will come out of the experience feeling beautiful and confident about themselves. They can do shoots with their spouse or partner too if they want to, and that can be a great way for them to bond. In any case, this is a gift that is bound to go down well.

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A Maternity Dress

Being able to look their best is likely to be important to your pregnant friend for the whole nine months, and this is not something that is really going to be suspended very much during pregnancy. As such, you might be helping them to feel good about their appearance by buying them a maternity dress. This is a hard thing to get right without them being there to try it on, so just tell them that you are taking them out to buy a dress and that it’s your treat. You can then make a day of it, and in doing so you should come away at the end of it feeling satisfied that they have got something they really love.

A Pregnancy Massage

Being pregnant causes all kinds of aches and pains, and these can be particularly distressing at the best of times. Fortunately, there is such a thing as a pregnancy massage, and it is something which you will find makes a great gift for any pregnant friend, whether they are struggling particularly with pain or not. It will help them to feel alive and well, and that is a gift worth giving.


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