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Is Screen Time Bad or Good?

April 22, 2019

April 22, 2019

You might be confused about screen time for young children. Is it bad or good for young children to be on electronic devices such as computers, tablets, or television? There is a lot of conflicting information in the media and some research about it.

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Our publisher, Janice Robinson-Celeste has been quite vocal about the benefits of screen time for young children, ages 18 months to 3-years old, as long as the screen time meets the following requirements:

  • No more than 30 minutes maximum a day
  • The app, activity or program is educational
  • Parents are present and involved with the child and the screen
  • The screen is never to be used as a babysitter

Quality screen time for young children can help them to learn concepts sooner than later and give them a competitive edge when they eventually go to school. “Young children can learn concepts such as counting, colors, shapes and the alphabet easily with devices and educational apps,” said Robinson Celeste.

“According to a study from the Pew Research Center, “34 percent of African-American teens report going online ‘almost constantly’ as do 32 percent of Hispanic teens.”

  New research just came out that shows children who have two or more hours of screen time have attention deficits and behavior problems. “Screen time recommendations, under the age of one, equals zero screen time; ages one-to-three, equal 30 minutes per day max; ages four to six, equal up to an hour a day max; school-age children and teens vary depending on their schedule and school workload,” says Robinson-Celeste, as quoted on Smart Social.

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For older children, Robinson-Celeste recommends that computers are placed and used in a common area where all eyes can see to prevent them from visiting sites that aren’t for children or from meeting people online.

According to a study from the Pew Research Center, “34 percent of African-American teens report going online ‘almost constantly’ as do 32 percent of Hispanic teens. And it’s a bit more difficult to police screen time for teens, especially if they have their own smartphone. There are settings and apps like mSpy™ that can assist parents.

The bottom line is that unless your child is age one and under or spend an excessive amount of time on electronic devices, there is no scientific need to ban screen time unless you want to do so.

April 2019

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