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How to Avoid the Common Mistakes of Homeschooling Parents

December 9, 2018

December 9, 2018

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More African American parents are dissatisfied with the public school environment and curriculum than ever before and they have taken matters into their own hands by homeschooling their children.

In the last 15 years, the amount of African American parents homeschooling their children has doubled.

If you have little ones who are happy to stay at home and take responsibility for their own learning, you will need to make sure that you provide them with the best possible environment and outcomes, so they can become successful and self-sufficient adults. If you would like to avoid making the most common mistakes other homeschooling parents make, check out the tips below.

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Too Much Freedom

No matter if your kids are learning in the school environment or at home, they will need a schedule and rules to obey. If you give them too much freedom in the beginning, your homeschooling project will be much harder to manage. Make sure that you are able to create daily and weekly schedules, and have set meal or free play times.


You might want to protect your kids from negative experiences, but sooner or later they will need to experience life as it is. It is better to introduce them to people of all ages, and get them to engage with other kids in the community. The good news is that you have absolute freedom over which experiences you expose your children to, and how fast or slow you go. Start by getting them interested in a community project, volunteering, or simply helping neighbors out.

Relying on Technology Too Much

You might think that kids learn the best independently, and you can rely on computers and apps. It is crucial that you evaluate the educational value or each device and software you are using, so you can make the most out of the time your kids spend learning. It is important that you assess their learning with exams every now and then, so you can be sure what your kids are viewing will help them succeed academically.

Not Teaching Life Skills

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Chances are that one of the reasons you decided to homeschool your kids is to teach them some valuable life lessons, as well as the basics. You might want to schedule cooking and craft sessions, teach them how to use a sewing machine, or to create embroidered gifts. This will make your children more practical and they will be more likely to succeed in life’s challenges. Create a list of essential skills you want your children to have by the time they go to college.

Physical Activity

It is understandable that you want to protect your kids from injury at school, but they will need to be physically active to deal with the stress of learning. Introduce them to new sports and encourage them to challenge themselves. If there are no sports teams in your community, try starting a soccer team or another type of sports group so that your child can socialize and get their physical education too. You can have the team member’s parents purchase inside soccer uniforms for each child. If there are sports teams already in your area, have your child try out for a local group where they can make new friends, develop their skills, and potentially a passion too.

Homeschooling is not an easy road to take. While you know the needs and preferences of your kids more than anyone else, you will need to create a structured and supportive environment for them to grow. Include life skills and physical activity, while allowing them to discover their own passions.

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