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Most Americans surveyed did not know understand pregnancy dates or how long a trimester is – but this is especially true among some groups, like people who say they support six-week abortion bans.

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Confusion over how pregnancy dates are measured is widespread – and makes for uninformed debate over abortion limits

Explore challenges and resilience of Black mothers navigating pregnancy after loss. Uncover statistics, disparities, and advocacy efforts for equitable maternal health outcomes.

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Embracing Resilience: Navigating Pregnancy After Loss for Black Mothers

Learn about balancing work and early parenting with tips on time management, work-life integration, and self-care. Thrive with resilience and fulfillment in both realms.

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Balancing Work And Early Parenting: Practical Tips

Explore essential tips and support for handling an unexpected pregnancy, offering guidance and resources to manage this life-changing surprise effectively.

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Unexpected Pregnancy? Managing Your Emotions

Dr. Alexia McClerkin, 36  Chiropractor The Sports and Wellness Doc When I first got pregnant with my second son in 2017, I was so excited because my planning worked. I thought to myself it would be a great idea if I did a 5K every month of my pregnancy. I had run 5Ks before and worked out my […]

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MY PREGNANCY STORY: Dr. Alexia McClerkin, DC, RN

Did you know that if you read five books every night to your child from the day they are born, your child will be exposed to about 1.4 million words before entering Kindergarten?

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8 Recommended Books For Toddlers

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