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Nurture Black children with love and action. Build self-esteem, identity, and resilience. Model self-confidence for a positive impact. Commit to resilience through love and understanding.

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Cultivating Confidence: 10 Ways Black Parents Boost Their Child’s Self-Esteem

This is a first in “Raising Resilient Kids” series – a partnership with the RESilience Initiative of the American Psychological Association. Each article features science-informed tips and resources for African American parents on how to build resilience in our kids.Empirical studies and popular media show clear evidence for the presence of racial bias and discrimination […]

Culturally comfortable african american teen

Is Your Teen Racially And Culturally Comfortable At School?

Contributed Post:How stressful is pregnancy?Expecting mothers and those who are trying to conceive know how difficult it can be to have a baby. Unfortunately, as pregnancy is often perceived as a natural – if not expected – period in the life of a woman, many are left blaming themselves for feeling inadequate when they struggle […]

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Stress Affects Black Fertility And Birth Rates

If there was a thing such as CTSD, Current Traumatic Stress Disorder, then I’m experiencing it on a daily basis. Every week there is some attack on the Black community not giving me a chance to have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Keeping up with the news each day and reading about the police shootings, the […]

Successful black parenting

Helping Your Child To Navigate A Racist World

This viral animation video about what white people think about Black natural hair has almost one million views on our YouTube channel.

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13 Crazy Things White People Think About Black Natural Hair At Work And School

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