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Discover fun ways to get your kids helping out with household chores with catchy tunes from Pep and Perk. Encourage responsibility and enjoy the benefits of early engagement.

Pep perk scaled on successful black parenting magazine

How Do You Make Helping Out at Home Fun for Your Kids?

Learn how to keep your kid learning for life through early interactions, mindful screen time, and practical skill-building, ensuring a well-rounded path to adulthood.

Kids learning on successful black parenting magazine

How to Keep Your Kid Learning Through Life

Discover effective strategies on how to teach responsibility to your kids. Learn how to set expectations, involve them in decisions, and use rewards to foster responsible habits.

African american father puts together a train set for an article on hot to teach responsibility to your kids.

How To Teach Responsibility To Your Kids

Discover 7 simple ways to help your child become more responsible. Learn ways to make responsibility fun, when to introduce critical thinking skills, and more.

Get 7 tips on how to encourage your children to be more responsible

Encouraging Responsibility in Your Children: 7 Keys for Success

Raising responsible children is a key part of their childhood development. Research shows that about 94% of parents in the US believe it is important to teach their children how to be responsible. Are you wondering how you can do that in a way that will stick with your kids for life? House chores have been proven to be one of the best ways to do so, and here are a few […]

African american school age child doing chores for an article about raising responsible children

Why House Chores Are Great for Raising Responsible Children

Contributed Post: One of the things we aspire to teach our children is how to be productive members of society as adults. And this means shaping their attitudes and ethics in childhood. We know that our children have to work 10-times as hard to prove their excellence in a mediocre world. And part of that […]

Rest on successful black parenting magazine

Rest and Relax: The Importance of Giving Children Time Off

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