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BLACK CHILDREN ARE STRUGGLING WITH COVID-19 GRIEF BUT Is being Black a precondition for contracting THE CORONAVIRUS? In short, the answer is No.A quick glance at the data shows that Black people are more than twice as likely to die from coronavirus than any other racial group in the United States. The reason being that the conditions under which most people of color live, inadequate […]

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How Black Parents Can Help Kids Struggling with COVID-19 Grief

One of the many opportunities to discuss both racial bias and racial pride is in June, as Black Americans across the country celebrate Juneteenth.

Juneteenth: talking to black youth about about resilience

Juneteenth: Talking To Black Youth About About Resilience

Black males are 2.5 times more likely to be killed by police than white males.

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Guiding Black Boys Through The Trauma Of Police Killing Black Men

COVID-19, more commonly known as coronavirus, is having an impact globally. In early March, COVID-19 was officially identified as a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). Although much remains to be known about the virus, many countries including the United States have begun to take drastic precautions as a way to reduce the rates […]

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Mental Health, Coronavirus & Social Distancing: What Parents Should Know

What unprecedented and unpredictable moments we are living in. Perhaps fear of loss of control, safety, and family have been swirling around your mind. You may have many burning questions as you attempt to continue on with life as you’ve known it. I am here to let you know, it’s okay to feel, it’s okay […]

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How to Build Resilience in Your Children during the COVID-19 Crisis

This blog will demonstrate three strategies for parents to manage their own race-related stress and link how practicing these strategies influences the development of healthy coping styles in children. There will be a brief definition of race-related stress and why it is important to address and manage. Racism-related Stress in the Black CommunityRacism-related stress is […]

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Parents, Managing Your Own Racial Stress Teaches Your Kids Healthy Coping

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