Natural Hair – Don’t Care? You Need One Of These

June 9, 2016

June 9, 2016

Last Updated on April 12, 2022 by Successful Black Parenting Staff

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Products and Services for the Family



3 Tips for Using the PuffCuff To Style Your Child’s Hair 

Purple flower

1. Use a variety of sizes. Get PuffCuff’s Family Pack and experiment with various sizes ranging from the Original PuffCuff to PuffCuff Micro depending on the thickness of your child’s hair. You can also pair the sizes together to achieve a variety of styles that will last for days.Puff cuff

2. Ask your child to show you photos of protective styles and updos they love. In the age of social media and the Internet, many kids will see styles they really like. Look for fun tutorials on Pinterest or YouTube to see the styles you can achieve using PuffCuff and make it fun!

3. Use PuffCuff to maintain less stress on your child’s hair. If your child is tender-headed this is a very big deal. The PuffCuff doesn’t pull the hair tight like elastic bands. Instead, it secures the hair into a beautiful puff without causing breakage or stress on the hair.

Puff cuff sampleMoms have found the sturdy Puff Cuff useful even for boys with long hair, it’s a great alternative to cornrows. Mom can easily pull her son’s hair back into a high or low ponytail with a smaller PuffCuff. Second, these moms are also often pleased that they can send their daughter(s) to school with hair styled using the PuffCuff, Purple flowerand when they return home their daughter’s hair looks just as neat as it did when they left. They aren’t tugging or pulling at or loosening their hair throughout the day, the style holds the hair in place! And last, for older girls who are exploring their own sense of style toward middle school or high school, the PuffCuff gives them more independence in styling their hair by offering an easy-to-use tool.

Puff cuff how to use

Available starting at $14.99 (free shipping) from

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