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If your child says, “I’m gay,” what will you say? Perhaps they want to tell you that they are transgender or identity differently than the sex in which they were born. Your response can make them or break them.

Don't say gay bill, lgbtq

If Your Child Says I’m Gay, What Will You Say?

Single parents must keep the lines of communication open with their children, especially when the non-custodial parent is involved.

Single parents must keep the lines of communication open with their children

5 Ways To Communicate With Your Child As A Single Parent

It is the anniversary of Rep. John Lewis’ death and parents are continuing the fight for their children to breathe.

Rep. John lewis' fight goes on for black children to breathe

John Lewis’ Fight Goes On for Black Children To Breathe

Educating your children at home brings the power to choose what they learn. MoMo Productions/Getty Images Monisha Bajaj, University of San FranciscoMy 6-year-old hates the British. To be more specific, the British Empire that ruled over up to a quarter of the world’s land by the early 1900s. Hates that one of the biggest diamonds […]

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For Parents Of Color, Schooling At Home Can Be An Act Of Resistance

You can’t be what you can’t see so supercharge your child’s library with images in their own likeness with these Black books.

On successful black parenting magazine

Supercharge Your Kid’s Library With Books In Their Image

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