In today’s America, Black history is under attack. From attempts to rewrite school curricula to banning books that tell the rich and unvarnished stories of our ancestors, it’s clear that the new administration and his lil’ friends are doing everything in their power to erase our rich legacy. But here at Successful Black Parenting Magazine, we refuse to let that happen. Black history is not just a collection of dates and facts; it is the story of resilience, brilliance, and triumph in the face of insurmountable odds. It is the foundation upon which our future is built, and we are committed to ensuring that it remains alive, celebrated, and passed down to the next generation.

The Erasure of Black History
The erasure of Black history is a direct attack on our identity. By attempting to remove the stories of our leaders, innovators, and revolutionaries from public consciousness, they aim to diminish the contributions of Black people to this nation. This strategy is not new; it’s the same old playbook used to suppress and control marginalized communities throughout history. But we know better, and we must do better. Our children deserve to grow up knowing that their culture is one of greatness and that they come from a lineage of trailblazers, visionaries, and heroes.
Our Commitment to Keeping Black History Alive
At Successful Black Parenting Magazine, we pledge to keep Black history alive and thriving. It’s not enough to rely on institutions that often fail to prioritize or accurately represent us. It’s up to us to take the reins and ensure that our children are equipped with the knowledge and pride needed to navigate a world that may try to undermine their worth. Through our resources, articles, and special features like 28 Days of Black History, we aim to empower parents to teach their children about the unparalleled excellence of our culture.
Black History Is a Daily Celebration
Every day is an opportunity to instill a sense of pride and understanding in our youth. Black history is not confined to February; it is woven into the fabric of this nation’s story. From the ingenuity of Benjamin Banneker and the courage of Harriet Tubman to the brilliance of Mae Jemison and the artistry of Maya Angelou, Black excellence spans centuries and touches every field. These are the stories that must be shared and celebrated in our homes, our communities, and beyond.
Supporting Parents in Teaching Black History
We understand that parenting is already a monumental task, and adding the responsibility of teaching Black history can feel overwhelming. That’s why we are here to provide the tools and resources you need. Whether it’s through curated reading lists, educational activities, or articles that highlight unsung heroes, Successful Black Parenting Magazine is your partner in ensuring that your children grow up informed and empowered. But the ultimate responsibility lies with you. We can provide the resources, but it’s up to you to use them.
Shaping the Future Through Black History
Teaching your children about Black history is about more than knowing the past; it’s about shaping their future. It’s about giving them the confidence to stand tall in their identity and the knowledge to counteract the lies and stereotypes they may encounter. It’s about making sure that no one can ever tell them that they were good for nothing, because they will know the truth: that they come from a legacy of kings, queens, inventors, leaders, and freedom fighters.
Take Action: Keep Black History Alive
In this pivotal moment, we urge you to take action. I know you’re tired but direct your energy to the community, to your family. Make Black history a daily part of your family’s conversations. Highlight the contributions of Black individuals in every aspect of life, from science and art to politics and sports. Teach your children that their heritage is a source of strength and inspiration and that they are capable of achieving greatness, just like those who came before them.
Together, We Will Succeed
The new administration and others after him can try to erase our history, but they will not succeed. As long as we continue to honor and teach our stories, Black history will remain alive. It is our duty as parents, educators, and community members to safeguard our legacy and pass it on to the next generation. Together, we can ensure that Black excellence continues to shine brightly, no matter the challenges we face.
So, we ask you: Will you take up the mantle? Will you commit to teaching your children the truth about who they are and where they come from? We believe in you and are here to support you every step of the way. Let’s work together to keep Black history alive and thriving because our children’s future depends on it.

Ways the New Administration Is Hurting Black History and Contributions
Rewriting School Curricula
- Removing or diminishing Black history topics from educational programs.
- Focusing only on Eurocentric narratives and ignoring significant Black contributions.
Book Bans
- Banning books that discuss Black leaders, civil rights struggles, and the systemic injustices faced by Black communities.
- Targeting literature by Black authors or about Black experiences under the guise of “sensitive topics.”
Restricting Discussions on Race and Racism
- Introducing legislation to limit or prohibit discussions about systemic racism and racial equity in classrooms.
- Discouraging teachers from teaching about critical events like slavery, the Civil Rights Movement, and ongoing racial injustices.
Eliminating Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives
- Cutting funding for programs that promote diversity and celebrate cultural heritage in schools and workplaces.
- Rolling back policies designed to encourage equal representation in education and public life.
Dismantling Affirmative Action
- Challenging policies that have historically helped level the playing field for Black students in higher education.
Undermining Community Programs
- Defunding organizations and initiatives that support teaching Black history or celebrating Black culture in schools and communities.
Suppressing Celebrations of Black Excellence
- Reducing recognition of cultural events like Black History Month and Juneteenth, downplaying their significance in national discourse.
Censoring Media and Social Content
- Enforcing stricter controls on digital platforms to suppress content that celebrates Black achievements or addresses racial issues.
By erasing these contributions, the new administration risks undermining the legacy of resilience, brilliance, and innovation that Black communities have contributed to every facet of society.

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