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Celebrating 30 Years of Successful Black Parenting Magazine: From Kitchen Table Dream to Digital Success

July 21, 2024

July 21, 2024

As we commemorate the 30th anniversary of Successful Black Parenting Magazine, we reflect on a journey marked by resilience, cultural insight, and unwavering commitment to serving families with Black children. Founded in 1993 and gaining momentum in 1994, the magazine has been a pioneering force in providing culturally relevant parenting information and support.

The story of Successful Black Parenting Magazine began in an urban West Philadelphia, where Janice Robinson-Celeste, an early childhood specialist and parent educator, and Marta Sanchez, a social worker, worked together at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. It was there, amidst the challenges of an underserved community, that the idea for the magazine was born.

As Janice tried to teach best parenting practices using articles from mainstream magazines, she quickly realized that these resources did not resonate with the parents she was working with.

First magazine cover in print of successful black parenting magazine
First magazine cover in print of Successful Black Parenting magazine. Photo by Thaddeus Govan, Jr.

“We don’t parent like that,” they told her, highlighting the cultural disconnect. Recognizing the need to bring culture into her workshops, Janice began writing her own materials. It was Marta who suggested turning these materials into a magazine. After persistent encouragement, Janice agreed, and the two embarked on a two-year journey of research and preparation.

Starting a grassroots business is never easy, especially when funded with credit cards and operating out of a kitchen. Despite the challenges, Janice and Marta’s determination never wavered.

A digital cover of successful black parenting magazine after the relaunch.
One of many news articles after the initial launch of Successful Black Parenting Magazine

They launched the first issue of Successful Black Parenting Magazine with the help of dedicated volunteer parents who shared their vision and commitment. The publication quickly gained traction for its culturally relevant content and practical parenting advice.

Successful Black Parenting magazine featured a prestigious advisory board with names like Dr. Alvin Poussaint, advisor to The Cosby Show and a Harvard professor; Dr. Howard Stevenson, a noted professor from the University of Pennsylvania; and Dr. Signithia Fordham from Rutgers University. With a circulation of 100,000, the magazine reached newsstands and family doctors’ offices nationwide.

Janice toured the country, speaking to parents, mostly moms, giving keynotes and workshops at various venues and events. The magazine won awards from organizations like Women In Communications and garnered media attention from CNN, USA Today, and numerous television stations and newspapers throughout the country. This period marked a significant milestone in the magazine’s journey, proving that there was a substantial demand for culturally tailored parenting resources.

Despite a steep learning curve, Janice’s persistence paid off when Fortune 500 advertisers began to take notice. However, their support came too late in an era dominated by AOL and limited internet resources. Without access to substantial investment or start-up capital, the magazine eventually shut down, leaving a void that both Janice and Marta lamented.

A digital holiday issue of successful black parenting magazine
A digital cover of Successful Black Parenting magazine

The resurgence of the Black Lives Matter movement brought a renewed focus on the importance of culturally specific resources. Recognizing the changed landscape and the potential of digital media, Janice decided it was time to bring Successful Black Parenting Magazine back, this time in a digital format. With her skills as a professional journalist, multimedia educator, and web designer, Janice rebuilt the magazine’s presence online and on social media.

The community’s response was overwhelmingly supportive, just as it had been in the beginning. The digital format allowed for broader reach and engagement, and the content remained as relevant as ever.

One common question Janice encounters is, “Why Black parenting? Isn’t all parenting the same?” Her response is clear: “Absolutely not! When we say ‘Black,’ we mean culture, not just color.” Successful Black Parenting Magazine addresses universal parenting issues while also focusing on health concerns specific to the Black community, discussions about Black hair, guidance on handling police interactions, and tackling racism and biases that affect families. The magazine uses research, statistics, trends, and demographics to create content that is both informative and empowering.

In collaboration with esteemed organizations like the American Psychological Association (APA) and the Academy of Family Physicians (AFP), Successful Black Parenting Magazine has consistently provided professional content tailored to the needs of Black families. This commitment has made a profound impact, helping families with Black children to thrive.

Since its inception, Successful Black Parenting Magazine has also ventured into publishing award-winning children’s books. Under Janice Robinson-Celeste’s leadership, the magazine’s publishing company has released notable titles, including the Moms Choice Gold Award-winning “Miles’ Stuffy Nose,” a board book that teaches toddlers how to blow their noses. This addition to the magazine’s portfolio underscores its dedication to providing practical, culturally relevant resources for Black families.

Photo of janice robinson-celeste, founder & publisher of successful black parenting magazine
Janice Robinson-Celeste, Founder & Publisher of Successful Black Parenting Magazine

Thirty years later, Successful Black Parenting Magazine continues to be a beacon of support and empowerment for Black families. Despite the loss of the co-founder Marta Sanchez, Janice Robinson-Celeste carries on the mission with passion and dedication. The magazine, now based in Atlanta, is funded through advertising on its website and the syndicated podcast, BACKtalk. All content is available free to parents at

As we celebrate this milestone, we honor the journey of resilience, innovation, and unwavering commitment to serving the unique needs of Black families. Successful Black Parenting Magazine stands as a testament to the power of culturally relevant media and the enduring spirit of entrepreneurship. Here’s to 30 more years of making a difference.

A banner of various successful black parenting magazine covers from various years.

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