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Elevate teaching through expertise, communication, and passion, creating a positive learning environment for children’s holistic development.

Parents Advice To Teachers on How To Best Teach Their Children

It’s getting harder to raise children in a highly mobile, digital, fast-paced society. While there are no magic formulas to solve all the potential problems and minimize challenges, there are several techniques that dads and moms use to make sure their youngsters are safe, well-educated, healthy, and happy. The bottom line is that you can raise a family in the 2020s without losing your […]

Fast Facts For Modern Parents: Navigating The 2020s

As we begin to open up America, parents are rightfully worried about the safety of their children and the prevention of COVID-19 (novel coronavirus). The World Health Organization (WHO) has guidelines for administrators, teachers, and parents on what to do once school returns but the question we all have is if the suggestions are practical?Experts know that the coronavirus will be with us well throughout the fall and winter […]

COVID-19 & The Return To School

I’m talking with Dr. April Lisbon. She is an autism coach, a 19-year veteran school psychologist, and who is a mom raising a child that is autistic and dyslexic. We are discussing special needs children, diagnosis, and family support. If you know of someone who needs to watch this podcast, please share it with them […]


PODCAST: Talking Black Children With Special Needs

Dr. Carl James co-wrote a series of guidelines that are designed to support parents’ and guardians’ involvement in the education of Black children. These guidelines are a road map for parents from junior kindergarten all the way to graduation to their first year of college. Ask him questions live on-air about your child’s school. Watch […]

PODCAST: For Black Parents Navigating Bias in Schools

Can you think of the first time that you had a Black male teacher in school? The amount of Black male teachers nationwide is just 2% of all teachers. I’m speaking with Dr. Kimberly Underwood, the research chairperson at the University of Phoenix about the lack of Black male teachers in K-12 grade nationally to […]

Successful Black Parenting magazine

PODCAST: Where Are All Of The Black Male Teachers?

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