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All preschools are not the same. A 10-year research study shows that some preschools can be detrimental to your child’s development.

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Is Preschool Bad For Your Child?

Parents are at their wits-end trying to manage helping their child navigate online classes and we’re here to help!

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Virtual School Driving You Crazy?

The COVID-19 pandemic has hit every household hard. Parents with school-age children are experiencing difficulties they never anticipated and those parents fortunate enough to work from home, are receiving a double dose of stress along with expectations and responsibilities most never prepared for.Now that there are so many students that are engaged in learning at […]

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How Parents Can Help Improve Online Learning Outcomes

The Amazing Zoe: Defeats The Germie Germlins helps young children understand the COVID-19 pandemic, especially as they return to school.

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New Picture Book Helps Young Children Understand Pandemic

It is your job as a parent to protect your child and to keep them safe from COVID at school by any means necessary.

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COVID CRISIS – Sending Our Kids To School

Because of COVID-19 Black parents should use this time of restructuring to push for a shift in education.

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Why Black Parents Should Push for a Shift in Education During Covid-19

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