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Get your money in control. Help your family to thrive today and in the future. This article helps you to plan your finances in an easy way.

Successful Black Parenting magazine

Parents, It’s Time To Get Your Money Back Under Control!

COVID-19 has changed the face of the world. People have had to get used to homeschooling their children, not working in the traditional way and being unable to travel extensively. However, that’s not all that’s been affected.The global pandemic has caused financial hardships for families across the world. This is why so many people are […]

How to Save Money During The Pandemic: 5 Tips You Can Use

When shopping for school supplies, today’s parents can’t simply hit up the dollar store for No. 2 pencils, three-ring binders, and other basics. Student must-haves now include everything from neon backpacks and coordinated pencil cases to pricey laptops and tablets.If it feels like retailers are hyping back-to-school shopping more than ever before, it’s because they […]

How To Cut Costs On Back-To-School Shopping

When in a relationship, it is vital that you work TOGETHER on everything, this includes your finances. Here are some basic tips that can help you implement a cohesive couple-strategy for your household:

Successful Black Parenting

Couple Goals! 7 EZ Steps To A Successful Family Budget

Higher education is an essential tool to pull your family out of poverty but it can also be a trap. There used to be a time when attending college and obtaining an advanced degree would guarantee you a great job with excellent pay. It is not that way anymore. Today, too many graduate students are […]

Why Black Parents Have To Save For Their Child’s College Education Now

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