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Because of COVID-19 Black parents should use this time of restructuring to push for a shift in education.

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Why Black Parents Should Push for a Shift in Education During Covid-19

We got your hook-up with quality face-masks by a Black designer and the masks only cost $17!

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Need Quality Designer Face Masks? Black-Owned & Operated

Parents know that eye injuries can happen, well, in the blink of an eye. As an eye doctor, I’ve seen firsthand how an innocent toy or a simple walk to story time can result in an unexpected eye injury.

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What Parents Should Know About Eye Emergencies During COVID-19

If you don’t have it already, you need to set up a COVID-19 Family Quarantine Kit next to your front door. Ours contains hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, disinfectant spray, alcohol spray, and antibacterial wipes. Below are some products from Black-owned businesses (and they have them in-stock) to help you stock up for the first and second wave of the novel coronavirus.

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Make Your COVID-19 Black-Owned Family Quarantine Kit

It’s flu season and here’s what you need to know to keep your child healthy and well. Our publisher and host, Janice Robinson-Celeste interviewed Dr. Sylvia Owusu-Ansah, a pediatric emergency medicine physician who works at a Children’s Hospital in Western Pennsylvania, which serves 80-100,000 children through their emergency department about the Novel Coronavirus and the flu. Stay well out there!

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Coronavirus and the Flu: Everything Parents Need to Know

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