Parents know that eye injuries can happen, well, in the blink of an eye. As an eye doctor, I’ve seen firsthand how an innocent toy or a simple walk to story time can result in an unexpected eye injury.
If you don’t have it already, you need to set up a COVID-19 Family Quarantine Kit next to your front door. Ours contains hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, disinfectant spray, alcohol spray, and antibacterial wipes. Below are some products from Black-owned businesses (and they have them in-stock) to help you stock up for the first and second wave of the novel coronavirus.
It’s flu season and here’s what you need to know to keep your child healthy and well. Our publisher and host, Janice Robinson-Celeste interviewed Dr. Sylvia Owusu-Ansah, a pediatric emergency medicine physician who works at a Children’s Hospital in Western Pennsylvania, which serves 80-100,000 children through their emergency department about the Novel Coronavirus and the flu. Stay well out there!